Phill Handy
Phill Handy, a native American, grew up in a family with a father that knew how to build and fix anything – and he passed this passion onto his children. As an adult, now in Germany, Phill continually discovered that there were items or devises that could be better (so he tried to fix or improve them) or he could not find (so he tried to make them). In the business world, he was an entrepreneur who has created over five companies – in addition to the MakerSpace. Phill was customer focused and service oriented, believing that “we can do anything”, and “it’s always been done this way” or “we have never done that before” are not valid reasons for not trying. He believed that Germany has great potential, great ideas, and super skilled workers who are waiting to release a flood of ideas, products and solutions if given the right equipment, education, and environment.
In großer Dankbarkeit und stiller Trauer verabschieden wir uns von Phill Handy, der im Herbst 2017 von uns gegangen ist.